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(each mp3 is 500K, 30 secs, 128kbps, mono)
Lord Eric Haugen 'We Can Rebuild Him' cdr

Hello Hooray
Everyday's My Lucky Day
Comebacks Don't Come Easy
She Changed Her Name
If You Were to Run For Student Council
Getting Better
Indie Rock
Civil War Underground
Peanut Butter Party
That Man He Could Feel
Naked Sprint to Freedom
PHCDR005 released 2002.
25 copies pressed.
Lord Eric Haugen (instruments, drum machines, vocals)
Guest stars: Aaron, Charlie, Emily, and Jessica (handclaps on 'Indie Rock').
"Bubbles over with McCartneyesque spirit
he may just be a musical-criminal mastermind in the making." - Splendid
Other Lord Eric releases:
'Soma Sex Dreams' cdr (2004)
'Mary Forrest Pretty Please' cdrep (2002)
'l8rsk8r' cdrep (2002)
'The Breakup Record' cdr (2001)Back to the catalog