lyrics  (or you can return to the main lord eric page)

The Last Beautiful Day

Now half a year and at half a world away
I'm still dreaming of you
I've realized that we'll never get to say
What I wanted us to

I'd be surprised if there ever came a day
When this wasn't my truth
This pain

The last beautiful day I spent with you
I thought I'd take forever getting through
Is this the part of me, the part of you that maybe wants to stay
And face the last beautiful day

I watched the sky growing overcast
In the past again
When you would never leave me
I saw the time slip by way too fast
Summer days and everything slips away
You and I could once be seen dancing

The last beautiful day we ever knew
I thought I'd take forever getting through
Is this the part of me, the part of you that maybe wants to stay
And face the last beautiful day

You with my six-string singing Avalon
On Halloween we met the dawning day

The Breakup Record

From The Breakup Record (2001)

© 2001 The Lord's Music ~ Polyholiday Records
all rights reserved
